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Laying down slabbing in 10 simple steps

If you are an experienced builder then you will probably know all the tricks of the trade by now.

If you are an experienced builder then you will probably know all the tricks of the trade by now. However, if you are considering laying your own slabbing for the first time, or if your building company has not previously offered this service, here is a basic outline of how to do it:

  1. Choose the area where the slabs will go (ideally a level area but obviously you often cannot decide this). Clear the area of excess leaves etc and use pegs to mark out where the slabs will sit.
  2. The ground below the slab must support its weight; it should be planed and smoothed. Use soil to even out any parts that are too low.
  3. Place string around the pegs where the slabs will go and check the corners with a builder’s square.
  4. Measure and construct a pine box frame using the spirit level to ensure that it is equal. Drill pegs into the corners so that the structure does not move.
  5. Lay building plastic down to line the area and fill with 38-50ml thick base of dry mix (9 parts dry sand to 1 part cement); spread evenly.
  6. Lay the slab carefully within the outline.
  7. Use a thick piece of short timber over each paving slab to gently hammer them down with a mallet until the surface is level with the pegs. This will secure each one into place.
  8. Check that each slab is an equal height using the spirit level. Hammer down any that need lowering and relay any that are too low.
  9. Fill in the gaps between each step using a dry mortar mix of 3 parts sharp sand, 1 part cement.
  10. Using a watering can, wet the area so that the cement sets. Using a damp sponge, remove excess mortar from the slabs.

If you are a builder who needs to purchase slabbing resources then you are in the right place. Have a browse of our website and if there is anything in particular that you are looking for but cannot find, feel free to contact us on 01782 777 227 and our friendly team will look forward to talking to you.